Hairy Dog Productions, featuring

Raeside Cartoon

Return to Antarctica: A Documentary Film

In a documented voyage to the Antarctic in 2007, Adrian Raeside, grandson of Sir Charles (Silas) Wright a key member of the British Antarctic Expedition, reveals the true story of what happened on that doomed race to reach the South Pole. (Trailer & photos)

"Adventure is just bad planning"


Includes the Interactive Book

Don't you love / Don't you hate


"Is there something about life that annoys you? How about something you love?”

A Hairy Dog Club Feature: Send in your idea for a cartoon and reguarly in the Hairy Dog Club - a selection will be made.


Hairy Dog ClubScreening room

"Which reminds me..."

 an ongoing video series of short jokes

A whole section of jokes and Hairy Dog'isms awaits in the Hairy Dog Club. With new content added regularly you'll never go without a full tank of laughs. Warning! Not all jokes in the Hairy Dog Club are water cooler safe :) That's why we have some outtakes for you to view instead.


Sake-soaked Videos

A growing series of humorous travel-logs shot in Japan, Sake-soaked Videos cover a variety of topics from geography to beer.

Travel Shorts from Japan to inform you of the quirkier things along the way


A Hairy Dog Clubexclusive

The Red Rocket Railroad Co.


Help write the continuing story

The Red Rocket Railroad Co. is off to a great start! This interactive book has the 1st chapter published; pages full of imagination and adventure.

It's time for this fabulous children's story to have a fresh new character, and we're inviting friends of Raeside to get involved in the story. Your suggestions, ideas and thoughts are what the future is all about in the Red Rocket Railroad Co.  


For Some Dogs, It's all about The Rescue

“Do you know a special person who works or volunteers at a shelter? Let them know about this site!”

Reaside Cartoons and Hairy Dog Productions are helping Animal Shelters. Find out more about how you can get involved.


Got a few..

A: Are you kidding? Adrian is still trying to figure out how a toaster works. The site was actually designed and built by the brilliant Pat Lee:


A: Yes. And you can also send one to those you don’t love. Here's a link to the page.

Newest Cartoon From The Other Coast

Visit this section of the home page for the newest "The Other Coast" as it comes out. Check into the Vault for more.


The Latest Editorial

Timely commentary on current issues

Wait! Check the newest Editorial!

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