Digital Nomad Road Trip


The Lunatic Adventures of Sean and Patricia.

by Patricia Lee
It all started with a fancy 2 room tent

"It's all we'll ever need..."

We put JoTrailer through hell, and I'm going to tell you all about that.

After 4 years I sold Jo (sight unseen) for quite a bit more than we paid.

A woman pleaded with me to hang on to it till they could come. She paid in full and in advance.

When they came to pick it up it was like looking at our selves 5 years earlier.

And I'm not kidding you.. she said “it’s all were ever going to need!” ...

Season 1: JoTrailer

Read the 1st Episode: "Hello Jo!"

Ahhh... The Great Outdoors

The Adventures of Two Swashbuckling Digital Nomads

Patricia and Sean, a pair of Canada's first true internet based entrepreneurs, make travel a top opportunity and priority.

With two obnoxious Border Collies and a harem of paranoid cats, few "Road Trips" were ever pulled off without absolute mayhem strewn into what always started out as lovely relaxing trips.


TheyOften ask...

What? A tent? No hell no! Where's your sense of luxury?!