
Return to Antarctica the Book (members)


a new chapter each month

In a documented voyage to the Antarctic in 2007, Adrian Raeside, grandson of Sir Charles (Silas) Wright, a key member of the British Antarctic Expedition, reveals the true story of what happened on that doomed race to reach the South Pole.  ©Mari Ogawa (all contemporary photos)

Return to Antarctica in Words

A Chapter at at at time

... They returned to find the ship was still locked in ice and winter approaching fast. This time it was serious. They didn’t have enough supplies to last another winter, and in fact what few supplies they did have were turning rancid, with Dr. Wilson having to personally examine each food tin when it was opened.

Antarctica Eye Candy

These high resolution slides give us only a fraction of the atmosphere of danger, cold, frustration and perseverance needed to endure such an expedition.

Harsh Conditions Met by Brave Adventurous Men